How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in Europe?

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in Europe?

Teeth Whitening Costs in Europe

Teeth whitening and products has become increasingly popular in Europe. With more and more people looking to get their teeth whitened, the number of whitening options has also been growing. But while plenty of choice is a good thing, it has certainly made picking a teeth whitener an overwhelming process.

Even with the number of teeth whitening options available, scouring the internet to find the specific costs can be quite difficult. Dentists will require you to call or come in for a quote and at-home methods vary significantly between cost and effectiveness. To make it simple, we’ve found out how much different methods of teeth whitening cost in Europe:

Method Application Results Cost

Natural Teeth Whitening

(e.g. activated charcoal and oil pulling)

Oil Pulling: Swish 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in mouth for 10-20 minutes.

Activated Charcoal: Brush with charcoal using a wet toothbrush for 2 minutes and rinse.

Results vary among individuals, but typically will start to show within a few months of continuous use.

Results will last only as long as you continue the process.


But is an on-going cost with continual use.

Over-The-Counter (e.g. whitening toothpastes, mouthwashes and strips)

Toothpaste: Replaces regular toothpaste.

Mouthwash: Swish in mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Strips: Apply gel side of strip to surface of teeth and leave for recommended time.

Results will typically start to show in two weeks of consistent use. 

Whitening strip results may last for 6-9 months. Toothpastes and rinses will work best alongside a whitening treatment. 


For whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes.



For whitening strips.
At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

SmilePro Teeth Whitening Kit: Apply whitening gel to mouth tray with attached whitening light and wear for 10-30 minutes.

Results will show after single application but will achieve 6-10 shades whiter after 7 to 12 days.

Results are maintained with 1 application every two weeks.


For the initial cost of the whitening kit.


For a year’s amount of maintenance applications.

Take-Home Dentist Whitening Trays  Dentist will make a custom mouth-tray to be worn with applied gel for several hours a day for two weeks.

Results will begin to show over the two weeks of application.

They will last for 3-6 months before needing to be touched-up. 


Initial cost of take-home tray pack and consultation.

In-Chair Dentist Teeth Whitening Dentist will apply whitening gel activated with a UV light and leave for approx. 45 minutes.

Results are instantaneous from a single session.

How long it lasts depends on lifestyle factors. 6 months up to 2 years is the expected timeframe. 


For the initial session. Dentist may recommend follow-up sessions and maintenance cost.

Making Your Choice

Compare the cost between home teeth whitening and dentist teeth whitening.

With the stats of whitening methods in front of you, it’s much easier to make an informed choice. However, when it comes to picking a teeth whitening method, cost should be just one of the factors to consider. Effectiveness and safety are definitely along the top priorities that come into play. For example, there’s a high chance the cheapest option won’t be the most effective, or that a dodgy vendor guaranteeing unreal results won’t be the safest.


Referring to the table, we can see over-the-counter and natural teeth whitening methods are the cheapest. However, natural teeth whitening methods like oil pulling and brushing with activated charcoal have not yet been scientifically proven to work. As it’s difficult to guarantee any kind of result with natural methods, their cheap cost doesn’t compare well with effectiveness.

As with over-the-counter options, whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes are great for maintaining top dental hygiene, but they aren’t going to get rid of those deep and discoloured stains.

On the other end of the spectrum, dentist whitening options are certainly effective. But as the most expensive option, you could end up paying thousands for a result you could achieve at a fraction of the price.

Teeth Whitening Kit Cost

Affordable home teeth whitening kits and natural toothpaste by SmilePro.

Teeth whitening kits are an excellent choice of method, combining inexpensive prices with professional standard effectiveness.

There are many teeth whitening kits in Australia to choose from. And with the various Australian teeth whitening companies, there can be significant variances between the quality of kits. This is why it’s important to check the company’s reviews, so you know you’re getting the best teeth whitening kit in Europe.

SmilePro’s professional teeth whitening kits are of superior standard. Safe, effective and convenient, they are the trusted European brand when it comes to teeth whitening. With results guaranteed, you can shop confidently knowing you’ll get more than your money’s worth.

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Professional Teeth Whitening - Kits vs Dentist
Choosing the Best Home Teeth Whitening Kit – What You Need to Know